“ Whenever you dance, wherever you dance, Dance to Heal the Earth! Dancing is power. Dancing is prayer. Some say that all is dance. Maybe. Now there’s a big dance coming, a dance to heal the earth. If you’re reading this, you’re probably part of it. Soon this dance will be done in a big way, in the old way, on sacred ground.”

~ Cherokee Elder, Dee Smith

Welcome to Dance with us

Dance to Heal the Earth is about Restoring the Balance of Life – the Sacred Feminine and Masculine, in Respect, Honor and Healing for Mother Earth and All Our Relations. It’s important to come with an attitude of humility, and a sincere desire to give of ourselves in sacrifice for all the ways that humans have desecrated the Earth. We seek forgiveness for our human family; awareness of and connection with All Our Relations, in order to understand how we may better serve them; and celebration of Life by honouring the Tree of Life. This Dance is a way of honoring Mother Earth and claiming the ways that we can assist her to heal from the ravages of modern civilization. Each of us has a special gift which serves our personal purpose, and a part of our purpose in this time of Great Shift is to help Mother recover. Mining, fracking, pollution, stripping Mother of her resources, are all desecration of her Sacred Body. Mother provides us with everything we need to live. It is our mission. Dance and let your feet beat a healing rhythm into the earth. Let your feet beat a strengthening rhythm for those who struggle the hardest. Let your feet beat a life-giving rhythm for all peoples, regardless of race or national boundary, regardless of whether we’re human or whether we’re the trees, the air, the fish, the birds, the buffalo, the bear, the crow. Our dance is a prayer, and our songs, rhythms and our breath give life.” (~ Dee Smith, Tsalagi) Come and dance with us. Dance to Honor and Heal the Earth Welcome to Dance with us.




The rhythm of the drum

Drum and Sing The rhythm of the Drum is the Heartbeat of Mother, and aligns and attunes us to the natural world. In Indigenous understanding, everything in the Universe is already created and available to us. We don’t ‘write’ a song, we ‘catch’ a song that’s already living in the unseen world. Our Songs are the deepest prayers of our hearts, in union with the Divine Mother and Father. When the Drum begins, our feet naturally step into the rhythms of the Earth, in gratitude and support of all life.

Support In our desire to be supported, we learn that we must give ourselves away. The Law of the Universe says that “What goes out comes around.” Therefore, we can only receive as much as we’re willing to give. As an example, if we want to have a wonderful mate, we must become the partner we want to attract. If we want a strong community, we must be a strong community member. It takes the whole village to create, initiate and implement a strong ceremony that has lasting effects. Support comes in many forms ~ preparing the land, creating healthy meals, holding space, sharing wisdom, and yes, financial support. Your financial support is deeply appreciated. Even if you cannot physically attend a Dance, we welcome your financial support and your prayers. If you aren’t able to attend, and send a donation, we will place a prayer flag on the Sacred Tree of Life with your intentions, to support you in manifesting YOUR dreams and purpose. Thank you for supporting Dance to Heal the Earth for the Good of All to Support All Life!


