Dance Chiefs

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Grandmother Robin Tekwelus Youngblood

“I believe that the only way to co-create harmony and build strong, healthy communities in these times, is to re-educate ourselves in the natural rhythms of our Earth Mother through ritual and ceremony. We are all connected through the Web of Creation, and we must all weave a new world together. It is my hope to share what I have been taught in ways that will help each of us to remember our innate connection to each other, Mother Earth, and All That Is.”

Grandmother Robin Tekwelus Youngblood, Okanagon/Tsalagi, is a minister, teacher, author, artist, and a shamanic practitioner/healer. She has been a student of her heritage for many years. She has learned the sacred teachings of Indigenous elders from her own Native American tribes, along with Siberian, Polynesian and Aboriginal elders.
As a healing practitioner, Robin offers Soul Retrieval, Aura Cleansing, Cord-Cutting, Crystal Healing, and Soul Readings. Robin travels the world, offering Workshops, Medicine Wheel Constellations, and Dance to Heal the Earth, as well as facilitating ceremonies such as Sweat Lodge and Vision Quest.
Robin is a member of the Seven Generations World Wisdom Council, which organizes multicultural Wisdom Gatherings in several countries.
She is also the Traveling Ambassador of Grandmothers Circle the Earth Foundation ( and helps establish Grandmother Councils wherever she goes.
Since 2012, Robin has circumnavigated the earth, sharing teachings and ceremonies.
As a graduate of Barbara Marx Hubbard’s “Agents of Conscious Evolution” training, Robin is a Guide for the Wheel of Co-Creation, a method of working with others to co-create sustainable lifestyles that honor Mother Earth and All Our Relations.
path of white wolf
Robin is author of “Path of the White Wolf, An Introduction to the Shaman’s Way” with Sandra D’Entremont, as well as several music CDs.

You can find more info about Grandmother Robin at
on Facebook
on LinkedIn
see for more info about her ceremonies, workshops, internet training courses etc





BERT VA 2014 croppedGrandfather Bert Gunn
“I try to offer a down to earth re-connection to our selves and our spiritual connection to the universe through sharing, ceremony, and seeing ourselves as an integral part of the all creation. This universal love is the greatest healing element in our universe. My work is more universal than tied to one specific tradition, though I primarily practice the ceremonies and indigenous traditions of the Americas. “

Grandfather Bert Gunn
Grandfather Bert is a cBertGunnlinical social worker and handyman who assisted, traveled with, organized for, and interpreted for Grandfather Tlakaelel, the Tolteka-Mexica Elder and Sundance Grandfather from Teotihuacan, Mexico for 22 years until his passage to the other side in July of 2012. Bert is a Chief for Grandfather Tlakaelel’s Sundance.

Grandfather Bert is a board member of the World Council, Wisdom Gatherings and the Church of the Earth. He has been trained and authorized by Grandfather Tlakaelel and other Elders to conduct various traditional ceremonies and teachings. Among other ceremonies, he has been assisting in and conducting the Four Colors Ceremony for 20 years around the world, as well as the annual Tonal Mitotianilitzli dance ceremony in Mexico. He also conducts the Temazkal sweat ceremony and is available for individual consultation/ healing sessions when asked.

Bert Gunn
Kalpulli Chaplin