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Dance to Heal the Earth Europe

August 7-11, 2024
Lollum(Frl) – Netherlands

Life is a Dance, Dance Your Life
(Grandmother Twylah Nitsch)

You are welcome to join us!

You can see what we’ve been doing at Dance to Heal the Earth. This dance was given to Grandmother Robin in vision in 2014. It is not a traditional Native American Dance, though it is becoming a tradition for many people around the world. Every year, Spirit gives Grandmother Robin a message with the theme for the current year.

This year the theme given is: ONE HEART, ONE WORLD
We will gather and Dance to Heal the Earth August 7th to 11th nearby a village in the South-East of Friesland called Lollum. We are invited by Frans and Marijke van De And’re Ingang.

EarthDancers and EarthKeepers will pray with the Tree of Life to heal Ourselves and all Our Relatives, especially Mother Earth.

Dancers will fast after preparing the arbor until we feast on Saturday evening or Sunday. You will read more about it in your information packet.These moments depend to the call of this year’s Dance, it will be communicated and explained on site. Fasting is the easiest way to enter a state of receptivity to the Great Mystery. You may receive messages and visions to be shared with the Dance Chiefs, the Elders and community.

EarthKeepers can fast if they choose or eat and drink to support the Dancers.
EarthKeepers receive the same blessings as EarthDancers, but Dance in a different way. We need Drummers and Singers (we’ll send recordings of the songs in advance); a Kitchen Angel and Helpers; Firekeepers for two fires.
Please sign-up ASAP for these positions so we can communicate while we prepare.

When you sign up for the first time, one person of the co-creation team (Dance Leader, Elder or Coordinator) will contact you and together you find out what is the best way to join this year’s Dance. If you joined before and want to join in another way then before, please fill in the registration form and mention what is your choice in participating this year’s Dance. There will be a community Sweat Lodge and Sweat Lodges for EarthDancers.

There will be a community Sweat Lodge, and Sweats for EarthDancers.

If you want to stay connected and receive updates about the next dance, sign up for our newsletter.

Registration for the 2024 dance is opened.

Sign our registration form, or email our coordination team, at email, and we will send you the invitation, cost and registration packet. Protocols and all pertinent information are included.

This year we want to invite those who cannot attend to become a home supporter of the Dance.

We really need your help and this also helps you feel more a part of the Dance. Please support us as we will support you. Suggested donation €20 or more if you can.

Also, If you have a special need or request, we’d be honored to create a prayer flag for you and hang in the arbor. Contact us at We’ll dance your prayers right along with ours!

We are looking forward to meeting you, and seeing you again, singing, dancing and praying with you around the Tree of Life!

The Earth is our Mother. Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons and daughters of the Earth. If men spit upon the ground, they spit upon themselves. This we know. The Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth. This we know. All things are connected like the blood that unites one family. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons and daughters of the Earth. We did not weave the web of life; we are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the Web, we do to ourselves. “

~ Chief Seattle, Duwamish