Earth Day is celebrated every year to remind us of how important it is to take care of and walk gently upon our Mother Earth.
It has become very apparent that we must act now to implement plans to make Earth Day an “Every Day” event. Our Earth has become very damaged and we as humans are the ones who are responsible. It is now critical that we make the changes to save our Earth – there are no more tomorrows left.
A Brief History of why we celebrate Earth Day –
The first Earth Day was celebrated by 20 million Americans nationwide. It took place on April 22, 1970 and was an attempt to take action to make positive environmental changes in our local communities and to give us a better understanding of how we effect the earth. It was founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson who had the vision that unless we began to treat our planet in a more responsible way, it would be too late.
This humble start in America set a powerful precedent for the rest of the world, with the result of more than 140 nations around the globe to organize their own Earth Days. Now many millions of people world wide have started grassroots campaigns to change the way we handle waste, recycling, power consumption, and conservation in general. It is now one of the most attended organizational events ever and has even been referred to as ” the largest secular holiday” ever.
What you can do –
This year there are an amazing number of wonderful events that will take place around the world as people come together to make important changes to protect our environment. In the U.S. there will be recycling drives, rallies and teach-ins for all to join in. New technologies and legislation will also be discussed by keynote speakers as many current technologies are counterproductive to the long term health of our planet. The earth has given so much to us as her inhabitants. It is now imperative that we give back what we have taken. Please join in and make a pledge that you will now live as though Everyday is Earth Day!